Are facial piercings hitting the mainstream?

While facial piercings were once a sure-fire way to achieve a unique look, these days they are bordering on mainstream. Givenchy used models with elaborate facial piercings in their AW15 Paris fashion show. Celebrities such as Rhianna and Abbey Lee Kershaw have been seen sporting nose metal and even nipple jewellery. And here in Australia, actor Caitlin Stasey​, wore a septum ring on the red carpet at the Logie Awards. So are facial piercings losing their edge?

Executive fashion director Nicole Adolphe from Cosmopolitan, says that while facial piercings have become more popular, they are still a big fashion statement. "Facial piercings are becoming more fashionable, but you still have to be quite edgy to wear one and be able to pull it off," she says.

Adolphe notes that septum (or nose) rings in particular are becoming more fashionable, with a number of celebrities and models wearing them in the last few months. However, she doesn't think that they will ever become mainstream. "I don't think they will be as huge as the belly button ring was. I still think it's quite alternative."

According to Adolphe, one reason the septum ring won't become mainstream is that Australian girls still want to look beautiful, particularly given the popularity of selfies and social media. "The septum ring doesn't make girls look as beautiful as they can," she explains. "It is still a very edgy fashion statement."

Another reason that some women might avoid septum piercing is the pain, but that didn't put 22-year-old Erin Hartman off. In fact, she has her septum and nostril pierced. "I got them because I like how they look, especially septum rings. I'd always see people with them and think it was really cool, and I wanted to add something interesting to my appearance," she says.

Hartman believes that facial piercings are becoming more mainstream, "I think certain piercings are definitely trendy and when you see a celebrities like Rihanna and Miley [Cyrus] with one it quickly becomes something everyone wants."

She also notes that facial piercings are becoming more socially acceptable, particularly in the workplace. However, she notes that some of her friends have to remove their piercings before going to work. Her advice is to check with your employer before taking the plunge. 

Crucially, Hartman also advices that anyone thinking of getting their septum pierced goes to a trustworthy piercing studio, and not attempt to do it at home.

For those who don't want to commit to a piercing, there is an alterative. Popular fashion and beauty blogger Andrea Michelle says that you can experiment with an edgy look using a clip-on septum ring. "Like most adornments, it's about having fun and showing off your features. But like scrunchies, trends come and go and this is one I wouldn't commit to."  

Despite the popularity of facial piercings, Michelle says that they will always be edgy. She compares facial piercing to tattoos. "A decade or so ago it was edgy to get one. Now they are commonplace. That said, there's still that little unexpected surprise when you catch a glimpse of tatt. I think it's the same with facial piercings," she says.

Michelle also notes that getting your ears pierced has become a rite of passage for girls. "Most little girls start nagging their folks about having their ears pierced as they move into puberty. It's their first item of 'real' jewellery."

"I don't think the same will ever be said for septum piercings though," she says. "So, no, they are not losing their edge."

Take a look at our faux septum ring.

This article was written by Catherine Rodie and originally appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on May 11, 2015. Click to link to original article. 


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